Derived from various organic materials used to grow mushrooms for the food industry. Ingredients vary by locale, and include wheat straw, cottonseed meal, cottonseed hulls, gypsum, peat moss, and ground limestone. After the mushroom crop is harvested, this material is composted. The composting process produces heat, removes moisture and odors, and produces a product ready to package. |
- Exceptionally Good for Vegetable & Flower Gardens
- Ideal Top Dressing
- A Superior Soil Amendment
- For Plants & Shrubs
Vegetable and Flower Garden: Spread organic Compost 4 inches thick over area to be planted. Till 6 inches into soil and when plants are growing side dress at rate of 10 Ibs. to 50 ft.
Trees and Shrubs: Planting and Transplanting - Mix 1 part Compost and 1 part soil.
Lawns: New lawns should have a layer 3 inches thick over area to be sodded or seeded and tilled into the soil. Existing lawns require 40 pounds to 100 sq. ft. 3 times a year.
Derived from Cow Manure Compost. |
- Great for NEW or ESTABLISHED lawns
- Ideal for vegetable or flower gardens
- Ready to use
Hot Beds and Seed Flats: Use a sifted soil mixture consisting of 2 parts of COMPOST to about 4 parts each of sand and garden loam.
Established Lawn: Spread or broadcast 35 Ibs. to 1,000 sq. ft. of area. Water immediately. COMPOST may be applied during any season of the year.
New Lawns: Use about 60 - 70 Ibs. per 1,000 sq. ft. and mix into surface soil to make a mellow seed bed.
For Roses: When planting, mix one part COMPOST with three parts soil, place mixture in bottom of bed or hole. Cover this mixture with a layer of plain top soil before setting new plants. For established plants, apply 10-15 Ibs. to 100 sq. ft. of bed area. Mix lightly with top inch of soil or allow to remain on surface as a mulch.
House Plants: Use about one level tablespoonful for every inch of diameter of the pot, mix into surface soil and water. Repeat as needed.
Potting Soil: Mix 2 parts COMPOST to 6 - 8 parts good loam soil.
Shrubs and Small Trees: When planting or transplanting, mix one part COMPOST to 3 parts soil at the bottom of hole before setting plants. For container grown stock, remove from container and carefully remove existing soil from root system. If bagged in burlap, untie the burlap, or remove if desired. Position the plant and use the same mix to fill around roots or loosened bag. COMPOST can also be used as a surface mulch.
Vegetables and Flower Gardens: Before planting broadcast 10 - 12 Ibs. of COMPOST per 100 sq. ft. of area and rake well into soil. If used in a trench, mix 3-4 Ibs. COMPOST per 100 linear feet with the soil in the bottom of the trench.